Sunday, March 23, 2008

Lilou Kicking Omar..

Duration: 01:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-01 08:33:34

Oh My God..If someone would kick me like that,i will kill him...


bladernik  2008-03-22 03:41:40

thats messed up
theredfurious  2008-03-22 02:47:55

great lil lou!!! you are the best***** very kick to fucking omar
winnpegamer  2008-03-18 16:46:36

nice kick lol omar came out of the blue and pushed so he deserves it
gtbmd  2008-03-18 09:28:14

Omar is a shity bboy he is jeallous cause he always loses the battes vs lilou AKA the best. 5
infantrystudd  2008-03-16 18:25:26

DUDE Lilou is the Man! Nice kick!

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