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Duration: 128 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-02 06:36:49 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it - Reset Tour 2007 - Messaggi al mondo, Verona 1 marzo 2007 |
Comments | |
TexDeLux ::: Favorites Grande Beppe,sei il migliore!!! Ce ne fossero di persone come te,che dicono le cose come sono realmente,senza paura,e per il bene di tutti e non per gli interessi di pochi. Io ero al Palasport con 2 amici,ci hai dato tante informazioni utili e ci hai fatto sbellicare dalle risate! Grazie,e continua così! 07-03-02 17:09:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
mangasprai ::: Favorites Ciao grillo! c'ero anchio a verona e mi parlavi a 2 cm di distanza!!! E' sempre bello sentirti. Parla ti prego del logo dell' italia e del fatto ke su studioaperto mandano solo video stupidi ( rigorosamente di youtube) e non le problematiche vere, tipo quella del signore, qui! 07-03-02 18:18:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
gilby87 ::: Favorites Ehehe bellissimo lo spettacolo!!! C'ero anchio con 4 miei amici... Abbiamo passato due ore fantastiche!!! Vai Beppe continua cosi... 07-03-03 09:43:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
ComeOnYouRedsGlory ::: Favorites W BEPPE!!! 07-03-22 06:03:31 _____________________________________________________ |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Reset! - Messaggi al mondo - Verona / 2
Howie visits the jack shack!
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Duration: 335 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-25 07:17:47 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Howie visits the jack shack |
Comments | |
souperbait00 ::: Favorites LOL great clip 06-07-26 20:06:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
pkpuddles ::: Favorites lol that was funny. but isnt the whole point of that box so they have privacy? 06-07-27 01:46:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
shanebaby07 ::: Favorites ew that wasnt necessary!!! is that what that box is really used for!??? 06-07-27 04:25:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zurath ::: Favorites I thought this was great, but Howie shouldn't have to do that himself, he's too cute. 06-07-28 07:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
jeffsellsaz ::: Favorites Yum, lube and chips. 06-07-30 06:59:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
CJ2112 ::: Favorites Ewwww I just threw up a little... how can the camera guys keep a straight face? OMG and that discussion?!!?! I can't... 06-08-01 14:31:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
forREALSjoHN ::: Favorites He thinks jerking off with himself is GREAT SEX. haha he is such a moron haha. 06-08-02 17:36:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
namsu22 ::: Favorites hahah he asks it with such a straight face 06-08-06 17:09:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
KattMalfoy ::: Favorites Im never going to look at that box the same again hah! 06-08-28 20:11:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Rigger43 ::: Favorites well at least its with someone he loves :> 07-08-07 02:36:08 _____________________________________________________ |
Beppe Grillo al Parlamento Europeo (completo)
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Duration: 4331 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-30 23:05:45 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it Discorso di Beppe Grillo al Parlamento europeo il 26 giugno 2007 |
Comments | |
clobo70 ::: Favorites mha, adesso vedo. se trovo uno bravo con photoshop come quello che ti ha fatto più giovane dei tuoi 42 magari mi metto in rete anch'io. poi ti mando il link così mi dici 07-08-07 14:03:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
clobo70 ::: Favorites ma alla tua veneranda età stai ancora a mostrare ste cazzate (inclusi i miei commenti) ai tuoi amichetti? ma lasciaglielo fà' ai tuoi figli, dai 07-08-07 14:06:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
clobo70 ::: Favorites guardando il blog di questa tipa vedo che le mandi i bacetti nello spazio commenti.. sempre a caccia di figa con la scusa della politica eh vecchio eljombi? il lupo perde il pelo... 07-08-07 14:19:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Puntualizzatore ::: Favorites Ed essere scemo con le proprie opinioni è da coglione! 07-08-07 20:06:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
bighighi1985 ::: Favorites clobo70 prima di tutto pigliati certe confidenze con altre persone, secondo se sei un represso cronico con sindrome depressive alternate allo scazzo non è colpa mia, tra l'altro io ho ben altro da fare, di molto più edificante piuttosto che litigare in internet con sconosciuti per delle cazzate, io litigo sugli argomenti non sulle stronzate, e basta se non ti rispondo più è perchè non mi voglio abbassare al tuo livello 07-08-08 04:00:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites Ma sei visionaria? ma di che cazzo parli? Implori una risposta da parte mia con sti mezzi da zoccola sul viale del tramonto? Ma racconta balle a Madrid, che la notte gli ubriachi le bevono tutte! ma di ke cazzo di "bacetti sullo spazio commenti" grugnisci, fetido essere? 07-08-08 04:04:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Supermax07 ::: Favorites MA che parlava ad un pubblico di soli ITaliani??!! Ho visto solo un tizio con gli auricolari! 07-08-08 05:30:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites L' hai detto! Sono tutti che ridono e battono le mani a comando, dopo la parola chiave "mafia"! Neanche nei centri di riabilitazione per idrocefali... Gran conquista l' U.E. vero? 15000 euri al mese per decidere che dimensione devono avere le zucchine e le commissioni sui nanetti da giardino. Non sto scherzando, e poi basta guardarli in faccia. Ok, nn c' è limite al peggio, ma cosa dovremo subire ancora? 07-08-08 08:07:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
eljombi ::: Favorites Recandosi da quelle penose figure, Grillo ha segnato il più orrendo degli autogol. Ma in che cazzo sperava? In un' autorità "superiore"? In Q.I. tali da poter dare l' input per migliorare davvero le cose in Italia? Gli ha regalato 15 minuti di coglionate, tanto sia Grillo che gli europarlamentari sono lautamente strapagati per non fare un cazzo tutto il giorno... 07-08-08 08:14:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
bilandr ::: Favorites per tutti i ragazzi ed i giovani che da tempo dicono di voler fare qualcosa, ma di non saper come fare, da dove partire.Questa è l'occasione per dimostrare di voler fare qualcosa per cambiare la situazione. w w w laltrafacciadellamedaglia blogspot com 07-08-08 15:10:29 _____________________________________________________ |
Reset! - Messaggi al mondo - Verona / 1
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Duration: 133 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-02 06:34:57 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it - Reset Tour 2007 - Messaggi al mondo, Verona 28 febbraio 2007 |
Buenafuente - Entrevista a la mamá de Buenafuente
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Duration: 251 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-29 11:23:09 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/buenafuente/ Teresa Moreno, madre de Buenafuente, acude al programa por petición de su mimado Andreu, se ha visto todos los programas. Es, sin duda, su fan número 1 |
Comments | |
alkorkon2007 ::: Favorites envidia que tienes campeon. y a ver si ers capaz de aportar algo nuevo. y no dedicarte a repetir la palabra "basura" intentando imitar el discurso inicial de Trainspotting. por lo menos digo lo que pienso, no como tu que te dedicas a oponerte sistematicamente. la vida basura la tienes tu que llevas siendo viejo desde que tenias quince años y te parecia mal follar en la primera cita. 07-07-28 10:04:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
93carlos ::: Favorites metersus en ronnie anuncio nike 07-08-03 11:19:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
elipsis1967 ::: Favorites alkorkon2007. Tienes una constante en tu pensamiento (?): la preocupación por hacerse viejo. Te animo a que madures. Si no te convertirás en una especie de Michael Jackson. Quién sabe quizá con esas ansias de ser joven eternamente un día te detengan por distribuir fotos de menores. Ten cuidado. Por cierto, si en vez de decir lo que piensas, pensases lo que dices tu discurso sería menos patético. 07-08-05 02:07:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
elipsis1967 ::: Favorites alkorkon2007: Y sí. Folla más. Te conviene. Al menos regarás tu cerebro con algo de sangre y eliminarás la mala leche. Follar en la primera cita no me parece mal. Lo que me parece mal es tener que citarse para follar. Qué retrógado que eres. 07-08-05 02:09:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
elipsis1967 ::: Favorites alkorkon2007: hay algo que me tiene preocupado. ¿De verdad te gustan los programas del corazón? ¿Lees también novela rosa? ¿Te compras revistas del corazón? ¿Esperas a tu príncipe azul? Qué chungo, colega. Mejor dedícate al onanismo. Te fortalecerá el brazo. 07-08-05 02:12:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
cryx88 ::: Favorites Hola elipsis1967!! Veo que no solo vas quedando como un gilipollas en los videos en catalán y que sigues faltando al respeto a todo el mundo que escribe un comentario. Veo que aquí la has tomado con alkorkon2007. Cualquier día van a aparecer en la puerta de tu casa todas las personas a las que has insultado y te van ha dar una paliza. Lo único que haces es ganarte enemigos. 07-08-07 19:38:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
elipsis1967 ::: Favorites cryx88: veo que sigues viendo videos de un catalán como Buenafuente para seguir insultando a los catalanes. Cualquier día van a aparecer ante tu puerta la cordura y la inteligencia. Déjalas entrar. Lo único que harás será convertirte en una buena persona. 07-08-08 03:00:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
cryx88 ::: Favorites Yo no veo los videos de buenafuente para insultar a catalanes sino porque me gusta buenafuente. Otra cosa es que haya catalanes poniendo comentarios ofensibos y que yo les conteste. Y la cordura y la inteligenci ya las tengo desde hace tiempo. Decidieron irse de tu casa porque no las usabas 07-08-08 10:26:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
bcnbest ::: Favorites Hola cryx88: lo que resulta ofensivo es que escribas ofensivo con "b". Debe ser una muestra de tu "inteligenci". Tampoco parece lógico que pidas respeto tras amenazar a alguien con pegarle una paliza. 07-08-08 11:32:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
bcnbest ::: Favorites No sé qué tiene que ver Trainspotting con la cultura basura. 07-08-08 11:34:24 _____________________________________________________ |
Should You Buy It? Tata Trumps Melco
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Duration: 189 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-13 16:04:37 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Both emerging-market growth stories have appeal, but the Indian carmaker has a steadier path. Plus, is Apple a telecom stock, and what's next for Premier Exhibitions? TheStreet.com |
Autopromoción- Boston Legal
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Duration: 17 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-03 10:45:31 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/visorBostonLegal/ La nueva serie de ANTENA 3, BOSTON LEGAL, narra el día a día de un grupo de litigiadores civiles de una importante firma de abogacía de Boston: Crane, Poole & Schmidt. La serie se centra en el trabajo de estos brillantes y nada convencionales abogados que tendrán que lidiar constantemente con los límites de la Ley, y revela los conflictos sociales y morales que tienen que superar para lograr la felicidad de sus clientes y la suya propia. |
Comments | |
warkoz ::: Favorites no es ninguna copia. es una pedazo serie. yo ya he visto dos temporadas completas y alan shore es un crack. 07-07-05 17:20:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
megamario ::: Favorites que no que no, que todo lo que emite esta emisora es pura mierda, warkoz no intentes convencer 07-07-06 08:03:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
Golifion ::: Favorites esta serie es muy buena pero el horario la puede dañar. se ha llevado muchisimos premios en EEUU y se emite en casi todo el mundo, aqui lo emite la fox desde hace mucho tiempo, nada mas que decir.....denny crane xD 07-07-08 21:41:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
julioo92 ::: Favorites pero komo vamos aki!!segun vosotros todo son copias!!no?pues a lo mejor es tele 5 la ke se copia de EEUU!!xq antena 3 por lo menos es algo de lista y en vez de copiarse de tele 5 se copia de EEUU!mira aqui no hay kien viva!!hay, kien se copio de kien? 07-07-09 05:17:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
LucitheAngel ::: Favorites hola soy lucitheAngel quisiera pedir disculpas por el comentario que hay puesto sobre la niña esa pero esque mi prima pequeña se metio en mi cuenta y lo puso porque le asusto a si que si mi prima a molestado a alguien pido disculpas. 07-07-10 15:08:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
catherinewillows21 ::: Favorites y Dale... que la que se avecina no es ninguna copia que le compraron los derechos de emision a Antena 3... que no los hubieran vendido... joer... eso no es copia ni nada de nada.. ¿no sabeis distingir una cosa de la otra? 07-07-11 14:52:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
federico119 ::: Favorites como se llama la cancion de la otra publicidad de boston legal? pork en antena 3 sacan otra publisidad con otra cansion que esta wapisima y kisiera saber cual es. 07-07-12 08:48:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
javi91v ::: Favorites la cancion se llama crazy, de gnarls barkley 07-07-12 17:37:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
federico119 ::: Favorites muchasss grasiasss :D 07-07-12 19:12:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
dunkerproductions ::: Favorites si no paran d promocionarla xq la ponen a ls 2 d la noxe?? 07-07-29 09:50:21 _____________________________________________________ |
HOH slip up
Another FOX News Attempt To Smear Al Gore And Live Earth
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Duration: 381 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-08 01:22:37 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
FOX News ignored everything about the upcoming Live Earth event except the inclusion of one musician, Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, and "asked" whether the inclusion of an "alleged terrorist sympathizer" meant that Gore is "befriending the wrong people." From the 7/6/07 Hannity & Colmes. Comments and more at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/07/08/another_fox_news_attempt_to_smear_live_earth_and_al_gore_this_time_by_painting_gore_as_a_terrorist_sympathizer_because_of_the_participation_of_cat_stevens.php#more |
Kids Ranqe PK vid 13 - Part 2
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Duration: 212 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-19 18:55:23 User: sv3rige :::: Favorites |
Maxed pure pking at edge/drags. Songs: Devil square - Intro Anberlin - Godspeed Hawthorne heights - Saying sorry Crossfade - no giving up |
Comments | |
rob5432O ::: Favorites u making another vid? 07-08-07 20:21:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
df8508 ::: Favorites wow uve turned into sad pker nerd 07-08-08 09:02:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
simpsons790 ::: Favorites Means you pked one on moparscape. No ones stupid enough to go pking with 400m+ item 07-08-08 09:09:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
ColdFlre ::: Favorites like pking twins? there arent many of them are there? get hooked to the newest pkers just search on you tube EAT MY I C E + FIYA PK VID 1 (THE WAIT IS OVER!) copy and paste =) 07-08-08 09:49:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
iexziledi ::: Favorites to bad u got def i was wantin to dm u when mi pure hit 90cb =[ oh well mi 20def pure mit fight u someday or mi main mite whenhe hits 90 att 99str =] gl 07-08-08 13:01:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
p0keball ::: Favorites nice vid, gl in future. I just brang out my 5th vid, lvl 63 barraging :) click my name too check em out :p 07-08-08 18:35:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
BrolSSJ5 ::: Favorites oh, lol, I don't know anything about runescape anymore, but he obviously was. He wasn't wearing it. Probably forgot it. So stop being an idiot 07-08-08 19:29:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
twerdie ::: Favorites check my channel to see the truth about bloodhoun34! 07-08-08 21:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Blobber333 ::: Favorites If you would like free rs2 cash (I'm quitting) e-mail me (Rs2cash@hotmail,com)your Rs2 name and pass and I will transfer the money quick and easy no scam. If I trade player to player without this method Jagex will automatically pick it up so use this method. Thanks and have fun with my cash! 07-08-08 23:44:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
dxk0ed4 ::: Favorites awsome pwnage 07-08-08 23:48:39 _____________________________________________________ |
My New Glasses! CLUE Quotes! & Making Out with My Dogs!
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Duration: 497 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-18 14:19:55 User: WHATTHEBUCKSHOW :::: Favorites |
Spend your afternoons with Buck! Love ya! FIRST! |
Comments | |
ABCjen868 ::: Favorites When the dog growls in the middle of your song and you look over that is is FUNNIEST face, LMAO 07-05-23 12:42:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
blustormskeetr ::: Favorites maybe i'm from the south, but i like the phrase, "a total fug." i will be using it in my vernacular. 07-05-24 16:15:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
dramanerd1491 ::: Favorites What kind of job do you have? And Yorkies are awesome lol! My Yorkie, Julius, barks like crazy too but he's so cute so its ok =] 07-05-24 22:48:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
ovyvyx ::: Favorites awe your yorkies are kewt.. looks like my friend's dog =] 07-05-25 01:03:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Somedude1858 ::: Favorites Do you use a Macintosh? Your computer looks like a MacBook Pro. :) Awesome video. 07-06-02 16:53:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
WHATTHEBUCKSHOW ::: Favorites no it is an HP pavillion 07-06-03 11:12:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
hiuyt78 ::: Favorites lol!!...i love that thing u sed about southern girls mature faster..u sooo stole that from golden girls i laughed ages!! great as ever wooo!!! very smexual makin out with ur dog =] 07-06-14 20:11:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
schmile ::: Favorites omg i KNOW! I CAN'T STAND LONLEY GIRL SHES SO BLOOMING BORING!!! your impression julie was priceless darling!! well done :D 'im sure paris will be fine in jail' HAHAHAHA! yeaaah........... Yeah I would consider you a comedian :) 07-06-29 16:12:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
sexycatgayboyjoey ::: Favorites wow cool 07-07-17 12:01:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Patff ::: Favorites I hated her SOOO much..it..it..flames.flames on the side of my face..heaving..burning breath...heaving... 07-07-25 00:02:53 _____________________________________________________ |
FOX News Tells Viewers High Gas Prices No Big Deal
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Duration: 206 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-28 23:51:10 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
David Asman and three guests tell their viewers not to believe all the "media hype" about high gas prices. One can only hope that FOX viewers aren't so stupid that they can ignore the $3.20 they're paying at the pump these days! Comment at www.newshounds.us |
Best of Will Kirby #8
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Duration: 125 seconds Upload Time: 06-08-07 12:29:23 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Best of Will Kirby #8 |
Comments | |
cassie1013 ::: Favorites lol love how they zoom in on Janey and Erika on Kaysar's comment.. lol. 06-09-01 05:00:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
hill03 ::: Favorites The fake boob comment? haha 06-09-04 15:01:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
cassie1013 ::: Favorites yep LOL. Will is a crack up, I can't believe I wanted him out the first week!! i love him now! 06-09-04 15:03:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Cavuto allows Rogers to lie and savage Plame
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Duration: 144 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-17 00:14:15 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
One-sided smearfest of covert agent Plame by unknown Rogers; Cavuto complicit |
Adam Housley Clips No. 1
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Duration: 485 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-03 15:39:54 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
http://www.newshounds.us Clips showing that FOX News did not air footage of Chavista (pro-Chavez) rallies prior to June 1, 2007, the date Adam Housley claimed that FOX News had covered both sides of the conflict in Venezuela. Comment at www.newshounds.us |
Can you stuff a laptop down your pants?
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Duration: 113 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-24 16:00:40 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com Most of the people who watch my videos know that I shoot them with the camera that is built into my laptop... they have given me a hard time about it for good reason... I look crazy walking around caring a laptop the way I do... not to mention the fact that dropping is is just a matter of time... ouch... so that's why me using a normal video camera is news worthy... at least to a few of people who watch my videos... Thank you... enjoy. |
Comments | |
hydra52 ::: Favorites why dont you change the look and feel of your moms flappys ass vagine fuck your so gay 07-06-06 22:50:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
bokense ::: Favorites you burp greatly 07-06-09 14:57:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
phyllishernandez1987 ::: Favorites Nice Video! Download and save this youtube video to your harddrive with _youtubex.com_ 07-06-15 15:29:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
albthegreater ::: Favorites what kind of fucking stupid shit is this? what are you 40? 50? you probably got kids, go play with them, not internet friends. 07-06-15 17:43:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
GEEKinthePINK911 ::: Favorites lmao!do u kno wat Hydra52??!!These videos are at least 5 times better than the stupid ownage on a bad graphiced game on the computer. Not trying to offend all the other gamers but you do nor own or rock on that freakin' game.Keep making the freakin' awesome videos! 07-06-17 21:39:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
waffleypie ::: Favorites Yeah, I used to hate him but I'm beginning to really like these vids. 07-06-18 13:18:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
milleniumforce ::: Favorites 40,000 view 07-06-27 15:46:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
omigoditscandi ::: Favorites omggg lol 07-07-05 08:16:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mastrius1 ::: Favorites hahahahaha 07-07-17 07:30:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
skeletal8 ::: Favorites STFU. Jesus. I hate it when people dis other people. It's most likely because they are jaelous and don't have interesting or cool vids, but this is down right immature. 07-07-31 01:59:03 _____________________________________________________ |
Mike gets busted spying!!
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Duration: 257 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-14 04:09:00 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
The best clip you will see of Mike this season. |
Comments | |
stacyviacomsucks ::: Favorites i have no clue what there saying 07-07-14 06:26:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
stacyviacomsucks ::: Favorites mike what are you a nother dr. well sorry not going to work. for won dr. will was hot. and your not. 07-07-14 06:26:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
AngeliaChanel ::: Favorites omg that was hilareous!! what a weirdo :) 07-07-14 07:59:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
loverandfriends ::: Favorites LOL MIKE 07-07-14 13:11:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Prayforandrew ::: Favorites That's Jessica. 07-07-14 21:19:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
johal97 ::: Favorites mike is so fyne 07-07-15 17:39:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
smilechan ::: Favorites It is bad on the part of mike to invade the privacy of others... he should also think about the consequences if it had happened to him.. 07-07-16 02:08:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
johal97 ::: Favorites he can spy on me anytime 07-07-16 18:15:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
happyhappyjoyjoy86 ::: Favorites and also kinda perverted.... 07-07-21 05:16:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
lildotty313 ::: Favorites lol weirdo 07-07-28 04:34:53 _____________________________________________________ |
Space Cowboy 2, Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers live in Mexico
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Duration: 83 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-28 18:06:11 User: brandonvanzee :::: Favorites |
Part 2 of Space Cowboy performed live by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers at the Circus Mexicus show in Rocky Point Mexico... May 2007. |
NOTICIAS - La rivalidad ha superado los circuitos
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Duration: 69 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-08 03:56:59 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/a3noticias/ Alonso podría abandonar McLaren por los problemas sufridos en los últimos tiempos con la escudería y su compañero. |
Comments | |
paredeslahoya ::: Favorites fernando tu pueeeeeeeedes / si kereis podeis ver mi CORTOMETRAJE buscar TZORBAS 6 en youtube 07-08-08 04:18:31 _____________________________________________________ |
Interviste del blog beppegrillo.it: verità per Federico
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Duration: 506 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-19 07:14:48 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it |
Comments | |
dozzi88 ::: Favorites ...bastardi!!!! mi vergogno di vivere in questo paese!!! 07-07-24 08:20:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
LilTrin ::: Favorites Che schifo di paese... veramente , non ho parole... 07-07-25 13:07:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
dubmehard ::: Favorites federico vive! 07-07-26 07:55:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
ComunistaOltranzista ::: Favorites Verremo ancora alle vostre porte... e grideremo ancora più forte... 07-07-26 17:25:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
jgjgkkngvjbvjhg ::: Favorites povero Federico...Italia corrotta... 07-07-30 07:48:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
ninobruc48 ::: Favorites gistizia !!! 07-07-31 05:02:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
siorbortolo ::: Favorites Non ci sono parole per commentare.....l'esposizione dei fatti di questi genitori, cittadini, di queste due persone, fanno capire,non solo dolore e sofferenza, ma anche rabbia, e tanta:a ragione, ma in che paese viviamo? 07-07-31 16:55:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
damienh623 ::: Favorites Not bad. This site is pretty cool for cute girls - _PIXIECAMZ.COM_ 07-08-02 16:54:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
ceceUtube ::: Favorites Federico Aldrovandi merita Giustizia. 07-08-04 12:49:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
daragazzoni ::: Favorites federico merita giustizia! 07-08-06 20:09:34 _____________________________________________________ |
The 2007 Tony Awards- My Experience! And Peron75 UPDATE!
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Duration: 377 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-12 20:31:33 User: WHATTHEBUCKSHOW :::: Favorites |
Sorry I am crabby! I just am! I love you all! Please subscribe here! XO BUCK edit edit edit |
Comments | |
truman0311 ::: Favorites i know martha plimpton. not personally. i'm on the west coast so i don't see broadway shows, but i had my fingers crossed for her. she's so cool. lucky you getting to be a seat filler. it's my dream to be a seat filler. no joke. 07-06-16 21:36:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxesmerelda ::: Favorites haha i love the dog eating the worm thing. i love the whole video too, but the worm thing was great. 07-06-18 19:23:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
alberthann ::: Favorites stoooooooooooop naming your husband buck.. it's like u just meet him, lol is hard for me specially now that you look so nice after your botox and the tanning and the new clothes , please do one naked lol 07-06-19 02:56:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
ColbyStephens ::: Favorites l love you so much 07-06-19 20:40:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
lotrgrl ::: Favorites Spring Awakening kicks ass! And Raul is awesome! I love me some Raul 07-06-20 19:37:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
julietelken ::: Favorites I wish that I could see it. 07-06-21 00:30:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
Ariale ::: Favorites I never am too fond of Fantasia, but at least the Awards ain't all that bad right? BTW, the way you laugh, is totally amusing. XD 07-06-21 05:48:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
dobie6 ::: Favorites This guy is a twit, a mean "old" gay" (he's delusional if he thinks there's anything to that separates him from bitter queens of yesteryear), and a horse's ass. But his dog loves him. 07-06-29 20:22:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
broadwaybabe240 ::: Favorites I know im an idiot but wat does eat some sun mean???!!! some1 respond plz 07-07-04 21:15:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
MsTal ::: Favorites I buy 2 of the same clothes i like, but you bot 4 of those T's?! That's SO hot!!! :) 07-07-16 14:56:38 _____________________________________________________ |