Sunday, April 13, 2008

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Tribute- Vicarious

Duration: 07:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-23 20:47:28

For all the Buffy fans - a montage of the seven seasons of Btvs. Mostly about the Slayer but tells the whole story. Love, loss, apocalypse, and a whole lotta slayage. Song is Tool - "Vicarious". Comments are lovely :) NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. FOOTAGE PROPERTY OF MUTANT ENEMY. ...Like blood to a vampire...


evergreen47  2008-04-12 16:48:16

lol thanks ;)
evergreen47  2008-04-12 16:48:02

thanks :)
evergreen47  2008-04-12 16:43:05

thank you!
InTheBuffyverse  2008-04-12 16:19:47

That was definitely one of the best tributes I have seen;D And I love how you`ve taken the best of all the of seasons! A lot of awesome fights and some great Buffy&Angel moments:D
Fiike89  2008-04-10 16:38:51

Wow xD I really like this video!

Edges by Maura McDonnell

Duration: 04:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-08-23 05:11:46

A conceptual experimental abstract film by Maura McDonnell 1998. More info at


Katemck  2006-11-15 19:01:41

Hi Maura, delighted to get the chance to see this again, I think it's amazing, the textures, layers, colours and that while it is amazing to look at it infers so much more - definitely worth the record breaking rendering time ;)
topher46  2006-11-11 04:05:10

Good work, the visuals are demanding and the audio increases the psychological resolution
lozafj  2006-09-09 03:11:54

love it!

I am the Noob Destroyer

Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-30 18:06:22

Mcfizz(Me) Vs Butters


Beaster999  2008-03-30 18:20:28

Song: Paramore - Pressure

Video from My Phone (Video-0016.wmv)

Duration: 00:8 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-19 01:19:41

video uploaded from my mobile phone


Rhyno Gets an Atomic Wedgie

Duration: 00:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-12 21:22:22

Rhyno messes with Riley, and in the end, gets an Atomic Wedgie


h0lx  2007-08-22 18:08:17

that was not an atomic wedgie...
porcelainbidet  2007-03-31 22:22:05

what a fatass
Sheikeh  2006-12-18 20:49:31

wedgietime  2006-05-14 15:41:50

I'd love to see the guy with the big rump getting a wedgie!

The Walk of Life

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-19 20:09:12

I was dissapointed when I saw the Walk of Life music video, I didn't see any hockey hits. So I decided to fix that problem.


caretaker50  2007-07-19 09:49:07

Ya fixed it good,,bud !
hockeymansal  2007-06-25 14:48:34

i thought the music went pretty good with it good vid
LinkPatrickPage  2007-06-05 11:11:02

HAHAHA! Funny video. I hate McSorley.
ZeppelinMan22  2007-05-20 11:42:45

I also wanna make one more credit. My old account got removed for me not making these so I'm not taking any risks. The footage obviously belongs to the NHL. There you go.
bloodyninja199  2007-05-19 20:32:46

hahaha someone ha gotta have a headache after those XD awesome video

Rosalie e la rosa della regina - Lady Oscar

Duration: 00:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-10 15:39:20

Nell'ultima puntata lo struggente dilemma su quale sia il colore preferito da Oscar per le rose. Nessuno lo sa, "ma Andrè avrebbe certamente detto le rose bianche...."


ArditodelPopolo  2008-04-02 20:33:45

Altri cartoni, altri tempi...tranne qualke eccezione, ora tutti cartoni stupidi, privi di storia e di sani valori...
giadafi00  2008-02-25 11:00:10

Hai proprio ragione.Una delle scene e è anke molto bella e quella in cui oscar va al ballo di corte vestita in alta uniforme,ma anche quella in cui dice addio a fersen.
cobrarobot  2008-02-19 07:37:35

questa è sicuramente la scena più struggente....poi viene l'addio di oscar e la regina....un'altra scena ke mi stringe il cuore, è sempre in questa puntata quando la regina dice a rosalie" mi sento più sollevata quando penso a madamiggella oscar..."...ogni vlta ke vedo questa scena, magari senza aver rivisto tutto il cartone, mi si stringe la gola e piango...
willcarryon  2008-02-16 15:25:05

che triste T_T me commossa
nunaway  2008-01-29 17:48:02


Another Useful Video

Duration: 00:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-16 14:15:26

The title say it all...


FrancisLRS  2008-04-01 13:56:27

Lundex  2008-03-12 04:22:50

.......23 Seconds of my life wasted on a nice video!!!
4Death2KlaaT0  2008-03-04 15:52:19

best music ever on a useless video XD
randomrandomofdoom  2008-02-29 00:30:08

im gonna kill u give me my 23 seconds of my life back RIGHT NOW!!!!!
AudunYT  2008-02-28 17:58:49

You owe me some fun time, mate.


Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-06 21:27:55

title says it all


sweet summer rain

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-06 13:49:18

boys playing


Drawback88  2007-06-06 05:42:52

IsraelGOD50  2007-06-05 16:39:03

Himmeetä! Mis teil on treenis?