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Duration: 00:38 minutes Upload Time: 06-08-13 09:15:35 User: lucianoverdicchio :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This is a clip of a great live of Jon Spencer and Matt-Verta Ray (aka Heavy Trash) |
Comments | |
hobocakes ::: Favorites looks like you were having a good time while filming! 06-09-30 02:26:11 __________________________________________________ |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Heavy Trash @ Alberobello
Wuthering Heights (1939)
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Duration: 04:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-12 19:12:24 User: waltermarrou :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: http://www.LiteratureLibrary.net - Wuthering Heights", directed by William Wyler. Starring Merle Oberon as Catherine Earnshaw and Laurence Olivier as Heathcliff. To read the entire book for free go to: http://www.LiteratureLibrary.net |
HOT GIRLS of HOSTEL 2 Uncensored!! pt. 2
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Duration: 06:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-13 16:05:40 User: chedo13 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: The SUPER HOT and SUPER SEXY girls of HOSTEL PART 2 pay a visit to the Shark Tank at NO GOOD TV. BIJOU PHILLIPS, LAUREN GERMAN and VERA JORDANOVA hang out with CARRIE KEAGAN at the NO GOOD TV bar for a few drinks and let loose the crazy stories from the set of this most aniticipated horror sequel directed by ELI ROTH and produced by QUENTIN TARANTINO. Enjoy this latest EXCLUSIVE and UNCENSORED episode of UP CLOSE with CARRIE KEAGAN along with special guest host SHARK FIRESTONE. HOSTEL: PART 2 Three female college students take a detour from their partying, enticed by a beautiful European woman who promises seclusion, safety and maybe even romance. What they get is a living hell where they are sold to the highest bidder who's fondest wish is to kill them slowly. Hostel 2 also follows 2 American men who, on the flip side of the coin, are willing to pay to join an exclusive club where a life will end at their hands...any way they like. It's a story of human monsters and the almighty dollar as only Eli Roth could tell it. Staring Bijou Phillips, Lauren German, Vera Jordanova, Heather Matarazzo, Jay Hernandez, Jordan Ladd, Rick James and Roger Bart. |
Comments | |
bbbccc1971 ::: Favorites I wanna see 07-09-14 12:24:26 __________________________________________________ | |
bbbccc1971 ::: Favorites I wanna see 07-09-14 12:24:16 __________________________________________________ | |
Margaretir7 ::: Favorites 21yo girl here...i filmed myself last nite dancing in my panties and bra. Check it out and let me know if you like it. Sorry if it seems kind of desperate..I've been lonely since my boyfriend is in Iraq for the next year. So i am looking to meet up with guys for some fun. So HoLLa If youR inteResteD Luv ...leah... 07-09-14 07:22:29 __________________________________________________ | |
Janetir7 ::: Favorites My names Amber, i just put a new video of myself up, i get almost naked. I think my body is beautiful and i want to share it with others. I was raised in a mormon house hold and taught that my body was to be covered...well screw my parents, I'm in college now n' I'm 20 years old! So check it out and holla at me if u wanna hang out some time, i don't have a boyfriend. Kisses Amber <3 07-09-14 06:26:54 __________________________________________________ |
Cumhurbaskanligi Secimi 2005 yilinda Kurtlar Vadisi
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Duration: 02:32 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-13 20:23:52 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Kurtlar vadisinde 2005 yilinda cumhurbaskanligi secimi halk secicek diyor! |
Comments | |
sarikanarya2 ::: Favorites Anayasa Mahkemesi 367'nin gerekçesini açıkladı. Eee... tatmin olanınız var mı? Şu sitedeki makaleyi okuyun => 367. de. tl Ondan sonra da kararı savunan olursa artık sırtına bir semer taksın ve eşek olduğunu itiraf etsin! 07-06-29 12:17:56 __________________________________________________ | |
nogayhaan ::: Favorites Ne zaman ilerlemeye baslasa bu millet zaten patinaj cektirilmeye calısılmıs sonrada hararet yaptı die askeriye göreve cagrilacak Acık ve net ulan demokrasi düsmanı dini bilmeden laik olan Vatan hainleri gün gelir bu millet sizede hesap soracak kadar kudretli olur..... 07-06-25 06:26:25 __________________________________________________ | |
cemalettinyanik ::: Favorites hiçbir geri kafalı yobaz faşist türkiye cumhuriyetinin cumhurbaşkanı olamaz !!--- bunuda bütün yobaz sürüleri kafalarına soksunlar--- biz kafamıza sokamayız derseniz -- o zaman kara çarşafların altından analarınızın amına sokun 07-06-18 06:21:09 __________________________________________________ | |
vahdi33 ::: Favorites İşte kurtlar Vadisinin hayatı anlatmasına örnekk..Şimdi daha iyi anlıyorum Kurtlar Vadisi Terör'ün kaldırılma sebebini:D 07-06-12 18:07:42 __________________________________________________ | |
beyazkurt ::: Favorites vaaaaaaaaaaaaay sasirdim kaldim bu ne yaaaaaaaa adamlara bak iki sene onceden hesapliyorlar 07-06-05 09:04:47 __________________________________________________ | |
wacar86 ::: Favorites olm bunlar akp den haber sizdirmasilar tayyip demekki bunların senaryo kadrosundaymis ahahahahahahaha 07-05-18 05:42:57 __________________________________________________ | |
DonCarlone1907 ::: Favorites ulan bu kdr mi olur ya bu adamlarda kesin var bi ayak 07-05-17 18:27:20 __________________________________________________ | |
batuhanduzenli ::: Favorites çüşşşşşşşş hikmet 07-05-17 08:08:54 __________________________________________________ | |
japontaci ::: Favorites vaaaaaay laaaaan!!! 07-05-17 05:33:45 __________________________________________________ | |
mamiTHE ::: Favorites calma barııı ememge saygı p......... 07-05-16 16:23:06 __________________________________________________ |
Ataturk'u Ib.e yapan o kunusma!
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Duration: 02:27 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-19 21:14:28 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: www.gizlibelge.com |
Comments | |
mavikoc ::: Favorites ibne birde utamnadan çelenk birakmış... 07-09-17 01:33:42 __________________________________________________ | |
07deniz ::: Favorites halkda iste butur ahlaksizlari basa getirir o bitti bide cumhurbaskani yapti ulan m.kemal ataturk olmasaydi halen arapca okucaktiniz be ahlaksiz serefizler turkiyeyi sevmiyorsaniz gidin arap ulkelerine bocek gibi karilarinizi kapatin, arapca okuyun ne halt ederseniz edin! 07-09-16 17:52:21 __________________________________________________ | |
siddet09 ::: Favorites kafayi yiyecem ya.... orospucocgu 07-09-07 12:45:41 __________________________________________________ | |
siddet09 ::: Favorites annani tr de göürrüsem sikmessem nagmerdim .orospucocugu 07-09-07 12:44:16 __________________________________________________ | |
canerer ::: Favorites adam suçunu anlamış özür dilemiş helal olsun gözümmmsünnnn kral adammış 4ever akp /:-) 07-08-30 09:13:55 __________________________________________________ | |
IcedDreams ::: Favorites 3 kuruşa sattılar vatanı yüzde 47 yazıklar olsun 07-08-30 08:58:56 __________________________________________________ | |
yutubcuyuz ::: Favorites ananı sikeyim puştun dölü, piçin evladı götünü siktimin yarrak kafalı piçi 07-08-30 08:30:30 __________________________________________________ | |
makafaka ::: Favorites aptal işte bunlar. o adamın kurduğu Cumhuriyette yaşayıp, ekmek yiyorlar sonra böyle ibnelik yapıyorlar. Her insan yaptığı hatanın bedelini her yada geç bir gün öder unutmayın. 07-08-30 07:54:21 __________________________________________________ | |
AngelofGfb ::: Favorites hepsi böyle ibnelerin! 07-08-29 06:17:00 __________________________________________________ | |
gandalffffffffffffff ::: Favorites senin varya tüm yaşayan veya ölen (ama hepsini) tüm aileni ve akrabalarını ayrı ayrı yarısı önden(am)yarısı arkadan(göt) olmak üzere sikeyim ve agızlarına boğulana kadar bosalıyım tamam mı orospu dölü baskan 07-08-28 06:32:30 __________________________________________________ |
AJAX - SPARTA, 22-04-2007, SPANNING, Ajaxlinks.nl
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Duration: 03:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-22 10:56:24 User: AjaxLinks :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Vanuit de Amsterdam ArenA.. |
Comments | |
liemers ::: Favorites we shall see :) 07-04-27 14:41:49 __________________________________________________ | |
larsrijkse ::: Favorites tjah... 07-04-23 11:40:23 __________________________________________________ |
good singer
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Duration: 04:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-15 15:56:21 User: iampdev :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: she have a good voice |
CHP Secim otobusu bile fuhus yuvasi oldu!
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Duration: 02:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-07 15:05:37 User: mertaydogdu2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: www.gizlibelge.com |
Comments | |
FatihSahin28 ::: Favorites CHP degilmi ak normal 07-09-16 11:06:31 __________________________________________________ | |
kajmeranmali ::: Favorites Ya ben Demiştim Bunlar Şerefsiz Pezevenk Diye alın işte bakında görün ne haldesiniz lanet chp liler bide iktidar olcaz diye nara atarsınız orda burda Bunları Kerhaneye KApatcan Orda YAşasınlar 07-09-16 06:53:00 __________________________________________________ | |
akpartili ::: Favorites Bunlara firsat verilse bunlar Turkiyenin tamamini fuhus yuvasina cevirirler. Her turlu pisligin altinda bunlar var. Baskanlari Deniz baykalBulent ersoydan 100 000 dolar istememis mi idi . santas fuhus uyusturucu hepsi bunlarda. CHP degilde Cumhuriyetci homolor partisi demeklazim. 07-09-14 18:38:36 __________________________________________________ | |
abbycargle499 ::: Favorites Online dating at its best WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM 07-09-10 08:30:29 __________________________________________________ | |
oneloveBJK ::: Favorites embesil baştan söyleseydin ya o zaman başkasına cevap yazdığını moron..benim baykaldan bahsettiğini anlayamadınmı..salak.. 07-08-29 07:24:13 __________________________________________________ | |
aydinferhat ::: Favorites /watch?v=PGv5xCqeRnA İzleyin ve oyunuzu kullanın ! Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri | Turkish Armed Forces 07-08-25 02:38:31 __________________________________________________ | |
arifabi07 ::: Favorites hahahahah amına kodumun atayistleri göründe utanın travesti şikişiyo bide napim ayol başka çaremmi var diyo isyan ediyo :D:D:D baykalda buna oy verenlerde travesti amına kodumun dinsizleri sizi utanın amcık kafalılar 07-08-23 18:13:50 __________________________________________________ | |
alisermet ::: Favorites ulan dallama asıl sen okudugunu anlamıyorsun.anlasan benim o mesajımı baskasına cevap olarak yazdığımı gorurdun.şimdi bak yine görürsün.senin gibi çoluk çocukla hiç uğraşamam. hadi git allahından bul. 07-08-15 11:00:10 __________________________________________________ | |
oneloveBJK ::: Favorites ama seni ayrı kategorilendirmek lazım..okuduğunu anlayamamycak kadar geri zekalısın.zuhahaha:)))))))))) 07-08-14 09:13:28 __________________________________________________ | |
oneloveBJK ::: Favorites lan salak baya güldürdün beni:))..öküz benim yazdığımı bir daha oku..ben baykaldan bahsediyom salak..ayrıca bahçeli 95 de hükümettemiydi..hey ALLAHIM daha ne gerizekalılarla karşılaşcaz.. 07-08-14 09:06:39 __________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 00:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-18 02:21:52 User: B55SPECIAL :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: kosinaka |
Eva Avila - I Owe It All To You (Canada Day 2007)
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Duration: 04:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-10 05:49:05 User: totallyevaavila :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: http://www.totallyeva.com Eva Avila performing I Owe It All To You during the Canada Day celebrations 2007 |
Comments | |
xamanda89 ::: Favorites I was there when she performed .. she is amazing!! 07-09-01 00:02:48 __________________________________________________ | |
kylienikaylablaie ::: Favorites GREAT! ;) 07-08-26 12:45:51 __________________________________________________ |
Clouseau - Ik denk aan jou
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Duration: 04:58 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-19 06:00:41 User: debestevanclouseau :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: stop nu maar met wenen genoeg tranen voor één nacht kijk eens naar dat gene dat morgen op je wacht is dat niet voldoende de toekomst lacht je toe stop dus maar met treuren ga slapen je bent moe morgen schijnt de zon weer er is leven na de dood alleen al de herinering vervult mijn hart met hoop en ik denk aan jou en dan klopt m'n hart in m'n keel ik mis je zo na al die tijd nog even veel ik vergeet je niet ook niet na duizend jaar ik blijf van je houden je bent al m'n tranen waard ik kijk naar onze foto's naar jaren van geluk naar wat we samen hadden de tijd ging veel te vlug niemand is vervangbaar dat voelt het kleinste kind dus wees maar niet ondankbaar om wat je hebt bemind en ik denk aan jou en dan klopt m'n hart in m'n keel ik mis je zo na al die tijd nog even veel we zijn ver van elkaar ik weet niet waar je bent maar voel je daar hoe ik elke dag elk moment aan je denk ik denk aan jou en dan klopt m'n hart in m'n keel ik mis je zo na al die tijd nog even veel kop op verman je genoeg tranen voor vandaag vergeet de pijn dat kan je ook al slijt dat nog zo traag want morgen schijnt de zon weer er is leven na de dood kon ik dat maar geloven dan leefde ik op hoop want ik denk aan jou en dan klopt m'n hart in m'n keel ik mis je zo na al die tijd nog even veel ik denk aan jou ik hou van jou ook al ben je hier niet meer |
Comments | |
laba09 ::: Favorites prachige liedje krijg gewoon kiekevlees dervan egt amai 07-08-09 15:40:31 __________________________________________________ | |
Zuppeteute ::: Favorites :'( ik kreeg de tranen in mijn ogen bij het luisteren naar dit prachtige, grootse, betekenisvolle lied, van een van mijn favoriete groepen... 07-07-27 16:33:27 __________________________________________________ | |
Mreyton ::: Favorites Love it! - Mreyton 07-07-21 09:10:28 __________________________________________________ |
BENZ Tuning
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Duration: 06:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-26 00:32:09 User: B55SPECIAL :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: BENZ Tuning |
Comments | |
kazimann ::: Favorites Only time I ever seen a Jap engine in a German car was the Opel Astra Turbo Diesel (which had an Isuzu engine). 07-06-14 13:53:03 __________________________________________________ | |
TommyRocks811 ::: Favorites The poor 500E... that's the wrong engine for that car! It deserves a V8! 07-05-05 13:12:49 __________________________________________________ | |
acdcrox2999 ::: Favorites nice hair 07-03-27 20:26:10 __________________________________________________ | |
Khalil79 ::: Favorites Pimp my Ride JAPAN Style..lol..A Benz whit Lexus 3.2j Engin..Shi Shy sham zun...lol what ever he said.THAT GANGSTA!!lol..Nice one.. 07-03-27 19:54:13 __________________________________________________ |
WILLEM II - AJAX, 29-04-2007, 0-2, Ajaxlinks.nl
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Duration: 00:22 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-29 10:03:08 User: AjaxLinks :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: De 0-2 van Klaas jan Huntelaarrrr! |
Comments | |
centrefuge ::: Favorites omfg huntelaar stond buitenspel hoor ik weet niet, op het moment van schieten stond huntelaar buitenspel, en word niet afgevlagt, tuurlijk altijd weer ajax mazzel, boeiend ze hebben he tniet gehaald 07-05-08 06:39:52 __________________________________________________ | |
jessy1999 ::: Favorites Zois kreeg die bal niet goed onder controle 07-05-06 08:39:19 __________________________________________________ | |
mickkabel ::: Favorites was helaas niet genoeg 07-04-30 06:36:52 __________________________________________________ |
2º cromo del chico de oro de gran Hermano 9
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Duration: 00:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-09-04 08:17:21 User: anitagh9 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Podéis ver al 2º exconcursante de gran hermano 9, quedan 5 días. |
Me Singing JoJo - Beautiful Girls
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Duration: 01:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-28 16:03:38 User: caroj5 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: I'm singing Beautiful girls... I'm not good to sing xP I'm just 12 years |
Comments | |
slipstarrr ::: Favorites go on x factor 07-09-16 14:32:28 __________________________________________________ | |
14Jennifer ::: Favorites OMG!!! so good ! love it xD <3 07-09-16 12:58:15 __________________________________________________ | |
blooom93 ::: Favorites you're a good singer! (: 07-09-16 11:55:42 __________________________________________________ | |
Masamunezero ::: Favorites wow very very good just practice much and youll be famous later when your older you have talent;) 07-09-15 14:25:34 __________________________________________________ | |
yasaman23 ::: Favorites I LOVE YOUR VOICE ♥_♥ 07-09-15 13:44:51 __________________________________________________ | |
DragonballVsZelda ::: Favorites wow! your a awesome singer :D keep at it 07-09-15 12:16:57 __________________________________________________ | |
Yaahmaaan ::: Favorites Pretty good! :) Keep practicing! :D 07-09-15 11:16:03 __________________________________________________ | |
caroj5 ::: Favorites Thank you ^^ I will train much i wish i will be a great singer ;) 07-09-13 15:40:52 __________________________________________________ | |
puppet101name ::: Favorites ur great 4 ur age!!! u can be a singer!!! train hard i"ll support! 07-09-13 15:38:17 __________________________________________________ |
First Impression - Yuma Asami
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Duration: 03:45 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-23 12:05:21 User: TakeALookAtmeNow :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Visit JavCOLLECTION.com |
Comments | |
mewtwo150 ::: Favorites the video is weird but she's hot! 07-09-14 05:42:17 __________________________________________________ | |
albertinhogazio ::: Favorites que merda 07-09-07 15:06:24 __________________________________________________ | |
TakeALookAtmeNow ::: Favorites I agree that Kana might be more prettier, but Yuma Asami isn't all about her looks. She has all the amazing features. She has her spontaneous attitude and charismatic aura and of course, her two watermelons (lists goes on...), I doubt there are as many as handful of attractive female all around. 07-08-16 18:07:47 __________________________________________________ | |
lovejapanTV ::: Favorites she's ok. I prefer Kana Tsugihara who is way hotter, google Kana Tsugihara and you will agree. 07-08-14 04:30:36 __________________________________________________ | |
paradoxbox1 ::: Favorites dumbass 07-08-09 21:49:03 __________________________________________________ | |
kRaZycHyNeSebOi ::: Favorites lol what movie is this clip from? 07-07-27 03:55:54 __________________________________________________ | |
TakeALookAtmeNow ::: Favorites thanks for clarifying that =) "hood rat hoochie mama" lol 07-07-23 18:41:21 __________________________________________________ | |
sirjulez2004 ::: Favorites maybe you dont understand the asian language. but she said " i really need someone to knock the noodles out of me....i aint been laid in like20 minutes... why dont we get liquored up and you knock me around like a hood rat hoochie mama and give some cream of sum yung guy" 07-07-20 16:49:54 __________________________________________________ | |
TakeALookAtmeNow ::: Favorites what noodles? I only see watermelons =D 07-07-20 15:51:48 __________________________________________________ | |
sirjulez2004 ::: Favorites i'd knock the noodles off it in a heartbeat 07-07-14 19:00:26 __________________________________________________ |
Museumplein Radio 538 - Krezip
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Duration: 08:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-30 08:26:42 User: ewixnl :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Krezip op het Museumplein - 30 april 2007 |
Comments | |
randieshowsbroadgc ::: Favorites check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date 07-07-30 07:49:16 __________________________________________________ | |
DaantjeLynn ::: Favorites ze zijn echt zoo GOED<3 Echt zoo coool :D (L) 07-06-22 11:32:19 __________________________________________________ | |
ydnew27985 ::: Favorites daar was ik bij ^^ 07-06-20 16:53:16 __________________________________________________ | |
moehoehu ::: Favorites net krezip op wijzigtpop zoooo stoer:D 07-06-09 17:25:43 __________________________________________________ | |
teenagedumb ::: Favorites Good upload. =) Ever wondered what it looks like underneath a speeding train? train.lostfrog . com is pretty sweet. 07-05-13 13:58:49 __________________________________________________ | |
Christa20 ::: Favorites Moet je de nieuwe veronica gids lezen ;-) Daar staat een intervieuw met krezip waar ze praat over hun nieuwe nummers.. ze wilde een andere sound, beetje met de tijd meegaan! 07-05-11 06:09:16 __________________________________________________ | |
jackreamon ::: Favorites people need to upload more clips like this. I prefer funnier stuff myself, check out dolphinhump. lostfrog . com , I laughed so hard I got kicked out of class! haha. 07-05-09 14:11:35 __________________________________________________ | |
Kirs1991 ::: Favorites zij is egt goed:P was egt vet om daar bij te zijn:D 07-05-08 09:06:42 __________________________________________________ | |
keras76 ::: Favorites De 'nieuwe' Krezip is iets te poppy voor mij. Ik hoor het liefst de ballads en de klassieke powerpop. Annelies blijft yummy 07-05-07 06:30:23 __________________________________________________ | |
mirjampeerjam ::: Favorites (L) 07-05-06 09:32:22 __________________________________________________ |
Ashley Tisdale - Kiss the Girl (REMIX)
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Duration: 04:32 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-03 08:01:25 User: djphredee :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: *HQ Sound* http://www.savefile.com/files/821634 ok, i wanted to try something else instead of a slide show... so i just added my mix to her music video! hopefully it syncs! Hope you guys enjoy this one!!! =) and if everyone wants my mixes ASAP!! go to my main man Gatojo at http://hunterspadonline.com/disneyx/site/home.html he rocks!! he's already uploaded like all my songs already.. hehe he's saved me some time haha.. thanks GATOJO!!! You da man!!! Don't forget to REGISTER PEOPLE! =) |
Comments | |
giovandra ::: Favorites it syncs! cool! 07-09-06 14:17:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Makemebad35Fan ::: Favorites it dont so much different 07-08-30 14:05:10 __________________________________________________ | |
singerlj ::: Favorites omg i luv this song and u did a great job with the remix too. 07-08-24 21:26:00 __________________________________________________ | |
mileyx6064 ::: Favorites man u are really great at these remixing songs! how do u do it??? 07-08-20 12:32:31 __________________________________________________ | |
ikamaish ::: Favorites Oh gosh! That was so cool. I love your remixs! Your the best! XD -Ikamaish 07-08-16 14:29:16 __________________________________________________ | |
skaterchick107 ::: Favorites heey this is great 07-08-09 12:54:29 __________________________________________________ | |
DisneyChannelBabe ::: Favorites I LOVE YOU!! i really love your remixes. 07-08-07 16:15:55 __________________________________________________ | |
anna12ema ::: Favorites i love this song...n the video 07-07-26 00:53:00 __________________________________________________ | |
bubbanelson474 ::: Favorites that's the shizzles!! 07-07-19 20:49:06 __________________________________________________ | |
hannahbry27 ::: Favorites That was really good! 07-07-15 21:28:44 __________________________________________________ |
GFC-Ajax 0-1 Huntelaar
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Duration: 00:22 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-18 03:57:42 User: ewixnl :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: GFC-Ajax (0-9 FT) maandag 16 juli 2007 0-1 Klaas Jan Huntelaar '12 |
Comments | |
Sakuraba33 ::: Favorites damn klaar is echt groot aan het worden 07-07-18 11:22:11 __________________________________________________ |
Ahiska TRT Belgeseli 1
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Duration: 09:46 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-05 13:06:33 User: derinuyku :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Garibim Gurbetlerde Belgeseli(Ahıska Türkleri ile ilgili hazırlanmış Belgesel) |
Comments | |
ruslan1905 ::: Favorites var olsu n buyuk turan! 07-09-16 15:49:31 __________________________________________________ | |
celalkoch ::: Favorites Eline saglik derinkuyu kardesin Ahiskali kardeslerimizi bize bir daha hatirlattigin icin. 07-09-05 22:25:54 __________________________________________________ | |
ahiskaRekorD ::: Favorites @judenfrey oralarıda alıcaz gürcistanı da rusyayı da sen kendine bir yer ayarla zu hah haha ah :) 07-09-03 22:08:24 __________________________________________________ | |
judenfrey ::: Favorites MONGOLISTANA DEDIM GEDIN UF 07-09-02 09:59:27 __________________________________________________ | |
ahiskaRekorD ::: Favorites @daxure alacaz ahıskayı siz kendinize bir yer bulun ha ahah aha ah :) 07-09-02 02:22:44 __________________________________________________ | |
ahiskaRekorD ::: Favorites olum sus lan güldürme benii sizi bir kaşık suda boğar türkiye hah ahah ahaha :) 07-09-02 02:20:52 __________________________________________________ | |
muradpersali ::: Favorites dunya bilur biz ahiska turklari osmanli turklariez 07-08-17 21:49:13 __________________________________________________ | |
ahiska200592 ::: Favorites har kim yaptiysa chok teshekkur ederim, chok guzel olmush boylece bizede ahiskaligimizin kiymetini gosterdiniz! 07-07-16 15:43:35 __________________________________________________ | |
sel1071 ::: Favorites APTAL DAXURA tarihten habarın yok türkler mongol değildir..hep mongollarla savaşmıştır..ve ruslarla sen galiba russun..ama türkçeyi nasıl öğrendin anlamadım 07-07-09 19:59:35 __________________________________________________ | |
sel1071 ::: Favorites aman allahım tıpkı kırım türklerine yaptıklarını yapmışlar bahtsız kardeşlerimize...katil stalin orta asyada da milyonlarca kazak türkünü katletmişti 07-07-09 19:45:46 __________________________________________________ |