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Duration: 00:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-20 17:55:27 User: sportimegr :::: Favorites |
Kick boxing event |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
No Limits
Andrea Rincón - Gran Hermano 5
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Duration: 01:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-21 16:30:41 User: LeonMaldonado :::: Favorites |
Andrea Rincón video presentación |
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Duration: 08:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-20 03:49:14 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
critique |
Comments | |
Weedbender ::: Favorites Thanks for revealing your ignorance, and at so many levels.... Looks like you never grew up from all the posters in the background. 07-06-25 08:34:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Visionistic ::: Favorites I could not agree more...what a childish idiot. May bats eat his anus. Just the other day I saw a shadow person ordering pizza. What do you have to say to that, Neocrappic???? 07-06-29 10:33:44 _____________________________________________________ |
The Tv Show Sales Pitch!!!
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Duration: 04:28 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-06 21:13:01 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
Three wonderful shows based on- a) Yugioh and Pokemon b) The Oc c) Harry Potter Comments and ratings would be lovely as this took a lot of bloody time lol!!! Remember for more Hughsnews go checkout myspace.com/hughsnews I have an interesting blog and lots more going up soon, maybe even some behind the scenes stuff! |
Comments | |
stevem1264 ::: Favorites Hey Hugh, what was the music you used on the OC part? Great vid, btw. Cheers. -Steve 07-08-26 02:31:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
kerhascoet ::: Favorites I don't care what anybody says the fact you've taken the time, effort and learnt how to do this is amazing. Keep going my freind!!!! 07-07-13 10:12:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
LotSix66 ::: Favorites Satanic Verses was the best one. 07-06-16 18:57:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
dunlapgal ::: Favorites I thought you said 'OZZY OC'. Now that, I'd watch. LOL ;p 07-06-14 09:55:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
Daritto7117 ::: Favorites Hugh..that was totally Rockin'..damn you even had Imogen's "Hide & Seek " song in it..NICE. I think SNL used it in one of their skits, I just think that she kinda looks like a transexual Man in her video. Weird but you'd probably think that too :) Anyways I really enjoyed seeing you get "smiled" on?!? This was DEFINATELY 5 stars * * * * * 07-06-10 00:04:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
eire138 ::: Favorites nice job guys 07-06-09 19:20:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanawesome ::: Favorites you better believe it sucka! 07-06-09 09:54:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
jossmoss111 ::: Favorites the o.z....man I'm good. 07-06-09 06:35:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
jossmoss111 ::: Favorites heeeh ee the evil guy looked like big bird....except EVIL. sorta. yes. LOVED IT. especially aussie o.c...we could call it the O.Z GET ITTTT??!?! laughs madly...i love hugh 07-06-09 06:33:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Oh i have no idea lol... its by the lead singer of frou frou 07-06-09 06:05:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Yeah we came up with that one on the spot... it works well lol 07-06-09 06:05:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites I used to play it on my gameboy... lol 07-06-09 06:04:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Amieeapple ::: Favorites The games are funnnn! I still play them. 8) 07-06-11 15:48:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites I am an aussie... 07-06-09 06:04:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
VelvetElvis01 ::: Favorites sheesh, gonna have to put "sarcasm" in my comments bloody aussies with no sense of humour The above comment is written by an aussie and as such is bloody funny 07-06-09 06:13:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wags229 ::: Favorites oddly enough, i have a feeling i saw satanic verses on MTV a couple months ago haha :P and Aussie OC has just as much plot as the original ;) take care man, jonathan 07-06-09 04:03:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
Hughsnews ::: Favorites Man THEY RIPPED OFF MY IDEAS! 07-06-09 06:06:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
rebone ::: Favorites even with the american accent, you still can't get rid of the rrrrrrr sound at the end of words with o in them. LOL! funny though Hugh. 07-06-09 03:25:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
thraxious ::: Favorites Sorry Bdup81, I was just teasing you a bit about the huge run-on sentence(did not mean to be an ass). The 'missed periods' were meant as a play on words for both the punctuation "." and the female menstrual cycle "a period". 07-06-09 02:13:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bdup81 ::: Favorites i did't think you were an ass man no worries there, just did't understand thats all, but now i do, cheers dude for explaining it cos im shit at getting stuff like that. lmao 07-06-10 09:59:21 _____________________________________________________ |
Marriage Proposal part 2
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Duration: 09:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-05 15:50:06 User: Hughsnews :::: Favorites |
Here is the second part of the marriage proposal! It has a big surprise ending.... |
Comments | |
TugaPipeJunior ::: Favorites you totally got me! 07-08-18 18:37:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
frooboochick ::: Favorites alright.now i know this is fake. i feel slightly dumb for falling for it. 07-08-12 22:43:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
is4alsigp4i ::: Favorites good thing I didn't see the part 1! :-) lol 07-06-19 00:50:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
irpogo ::: Favorites hugh--you have great endings. off topic but-who does that rendition of satie that you used for this? just curious. 07-06-14 20:26:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
tomcat16789 ::: Favorites lol, you looked really serious, so yeah you got me too. 07-06-05 11:30:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
SuperBootsie ::: Favorites Oh my God! You had me going there a second. Okay, you had me the whole time. No apologies needed, it was all in good fun. :) 07-05-20 00:15:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
beckhamluver66 ::: Favorites dude you really got me! lol good one!!! 07-04-06 20:01:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
melitita1611 ::: Favorites wow... !! xD you really caught me!! with the first video I thought: oooh gosh! that guy is so sweet!! ¬¬ LOL 07-02-11 14:27:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
blahblahbear ::: Favorites I thought that was really funny. Haha. 07-02-06 03:01:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
OrcaShire ::: Favorites wow. What a rollercoaster! I'm a new subscriber and was going through your videos. Saw the first part of this and thought, "oohh my god, this is WAY too cute!" and "ah damn! he's getting married! i'm too late!" But then i watched the second part, and felt slightly duped...but slightly excited (sorry mel) that you're still "single" (in terms of marriage that is) so yay! lol 07-02-05 23:45:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
marialfc ::: Favorites very clever... very very clever... kudos man. :D 07-01-25 22:59:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
dabirdget ::: Favorites hahaha that's what i was thinking... i thought you guys had only been going like 4 months i was thinking 'holy shit hugh... are you sure?' :) 07-01-17 20:12:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
culwin ::: Favorites Well you had me fooled... but I've only seen a couple of your videos. You seemed really nervous in part 1! Good on ya mate 07-01-15 23:12:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
chaotic264 ::: Favorites Haha. You got me. You both suck! 07-01-08 01:20:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
randomunique ::: Favorites DENIAL! 07-01-08 00:36:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
fusantima ::: Favorites You little shit! lol Just joking, You totally got me. I feel so stupid for making the comment I did on the first video. Grrrrr 07-01-07 20:45:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
til2uncostly ::: Favorites Maybe you don't like it because of the differences between American and British humor. I have watched British comedies and I don't always understand the "inside" jokes. 07-01-06 20:57:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
kittykatgh ::: Favorites well the Americans have 2 spoon-feed the joke 2 u! its the same with most TV from the us! (i don't mean 2 offend the Americans, cos there great!, but they don't give the people enough credit!) 07-03-31 16:52:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
mynameiscal ::: Favorites This angers me. Good acting though, I nearly cried at part 1! 07-01-06 08:19:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
tapr00t123 ::: Favorites you got me there dude! man, i though this would be my first seeing ppl propose on youtube! ...and your acting is not that good,though.. haha!! Cheers! 07-01-06 07:29:09 _____________________________________________________ |
A.M La Estrella (Jaen)
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Duration: 06:11 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-19 12:07:17 User: estrellademijaen :::: Favorites |
estrella |
Dems Don't Do Fox
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Duration: 02:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-21 15:29:58 User: bottomlineupfront :::: Favorites |
MoveOn.Org and other leftist groups are forbidding democratic presidential candidates to talk to Fox News or grant them interviews. Cowards! What are they so afraid of?? Softball questions lobbed by CNN anchors are more comfortable. |
Comments | |
ladalang ::: Favorites Just because they say they are fair and balanced doesn't make it so. They already know a few things right off the top He won't let you speak He'll cut your mic He'll try to put words into your mouth in a cyclical argument that ends up with him cutting off your mic He'll present everything in a propaganda spin. He doesn't know history and makes it up as he goes along 07-07-18 18:44:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
am87fl ::: Favorites Fox is a known propaganda outlet for the right wing. I don't blame Dems for wanting to avoid O'Liely and his distortions. 07-07-14 21:06:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
KiddVid ::: Favorites I'm a conservative who used to enjoy watching Bill O'Reilly. Until he reported on a story that I already knew about, and he misrepresented the facts. I watched him a few times after that, and noticed he often omits facts that don't suit his agenda, and blows his supporting facts out of proportion. I've never caught him in an outright lie, but the results of his spinning are false representations of events. I have no use for him. 07-06-22 18:21:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
WhiteRiott ::: Favorites do you realize what this video was about sir? 07-06-23 01:06:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
KiddVid ::: Favorites Yes. This is about liberals who don't want to give BOR the opportunity to shape their image to suit his agenda. I often share his agenda, but I don't approve of his methods. Honesty is the best policy. And now, you too realize what this video was about. 07-07-08 05:14:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
freeperjim ::: Favorites If the chicken liberals are afraid to debate on Fox, they must be terrified of dealing with terrorists. Just another reason liberals cannot be trusted with foreign policy as bubba xlinton demonstrated in 90's. 07-06-22 18:07:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
geek49203 ::: Favorites Of course, NBC, CBS, and CNN have always been fair, balanced... never a smear campaign (*cough* fake docs *cough*) 07-06-22 18:03:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
snappler73 ::: Favorites No kidding. Breathless hours spent going after Scooter Libby for lying about a crime that was never comitted and nary a word about Sandy Burglar stuffing classified documents down his pants to make them disappear. 07-06-22 18:25:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
snappler73 ::: Favorites Liberals are cowards plain and simple 07-06-22 17:59:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxthefat ::: Favorites Maybe that is because Fox News is Unfair and a little Tipsy 07-06-22 10:16:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
WemfRaver2003 ::: Favorites I love how every one of them laughed at Bills "reporters" 07-06-22 08:39:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
Suz45 ::: Favorites Ya right Bill,King of Smear...what hyprocritical bullshit to accuse the left of what you have made a nightly event. 07-06-22 06:50:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
stewart0312 ::: Favorites "Fair and balanced? ... That's funny" LMAO 07-06-22 04:56:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
neeson16 ::: Favorites Yes, because we all know that Fox news, and all of it's anchors, have never done any sort of smear camgaign, ever. 07-06-21 23:45:24 _____________________________________________________ |
A lap of GYG
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Duration: 00:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-03 20:08:16 User: XtrmL1AB1L1TY :::: Favorites |
A Lap of Glan Ye Gors Park karting track in wales onboard a Minimax |
Amazing Dolphin footage
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Duration: 02:23 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-26 00:42:28 User: No2Quran929 :::: Favorites |
Shot from our boat off the Carribean. So awesome. |
manchester Utd v west ham no 3
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Duration: 00:26 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-15 14:56:06 User: Manchester1912 :::: Favorites |
last league game! |
Sevilla f.c
What is a Squidmonkey?
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Duration: 01:21 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-23 23:38:22 User: Neotrific :::: Favorites |
They attack without warning, reaching from the nether regions of the Internet, hiding behind a facade that grants them only the illusion of anonymity. |
Comments | |
millanvally ::: Favorites hee hee cool vid 07-03-24 03:37:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
Neotrific ::: Favorites lol.. thank you. 07-03-24 05:08:15 _____________________________________________________ |
Homenaje a David Castedo
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Duration: 04:56 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-13 12:46:21 User: LebrijaSFC :::: Favorites |
Despedida de David. |
Comments | |
Auxig ::: Favorites Hasta siempre! 07-08-14 07:10:17 _____________________________________________________ |
channel 69 news
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Duration: 09:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-04 19:02:29 User: scukadcikanddie :::: Favorites |
me and odalis doing the retarted news |
Comments | |
bootygurl30 ::: Favorites HAHAH this deserves 1 honor and 5 stars everytime i come here 07-07-08 01:33:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sannela26 ::: Favorites does any one here own a IMVU account? 07-05-26 01:48:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sannela26 ::: Favorites HAHAH this deserves 1 honor and 5 stars everytime i come here 07-05-16 20:27:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
scukadcikanddie ::: Favorites aww thanx sannela 07-05-16 20:29:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sannela26 ::: Favorites u ladies need to make a flavor of love charm school vid and let lady G be the principal 07-05-20 23:09:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
comecorrect1 ::: Favorites yo lol lmfao!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yall are funny as fuck!!! 07-04-16 01:54:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
MisZDAville ::: Favorites lmao raining penis and vaginas. staple your vaginas??? virgens watch out. lma0000 penis on the high way. i got bushes hair lmao 07-04-06 12:26:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
latishasinger4life ::: Favorites wow lmao shooting sperms. PENIS ATTACK!!! 07-04-05 12:54:40 _____________________________________________________ |
Just a Little More Love
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Duration: 03:49 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-23 05:24:58 User: davidguetta :::: Favorites |
David Guetta - Just a Little More Love |
Comments | |
yanneedsvid ::: Favorites junge du hast es drauf leg mal hier bei uns auf :D! 07-08-26 10:26:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
zibiobi ::: Favorites I luv it!! thanks David! 07-08-23 17:08:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
kkl1975 ::: Favorites Just A Little More Love :) It's such a summer tune!! Does anyone remember Nightcrawlers? It reminds me of them. 07-08-21 14:59:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
kekec52 ::: Favorites great song=) 07-08-20 06:29:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
AngelaPrincess1 ::: Favorites Great song!Luv it ** 07-08-14 14:07:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
ashleyhoz ::: Favorites Piękny śpiew rozluźnił 07-08-12 11:08:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
kalamotof ::: Favorites Nice beat and carps.... 07-07-31 10:45:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
qnockout ::: Favorites :\ idare eder işte 07-07-26 13:36:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
baumwolles ::: Favorites me gusta más el remix de esta canción 07-07-18 07:32:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
luzinhaspt ::: Favorites great one... there are two great dj's!!!! him and tiesto!!!! keep on dj!!!! 07-07-10 04:20:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Yannick568 ::: Favorites TrOp bien trOp bOn 07-07-06 17:41:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
nimaasli ::: Favorites Very cool video!! 07-07-05 08:55:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
devil4everkim ::: Favorites grave!! 07-06-22 07:08:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Enirel ::: Favorites Clip étrange, mais musique super bien !! Strange clip, but really cool music !! 07-06-21 03:31:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
bacillen2 ::: Favorites *thumbs up* 07-06-14 13:04:51 _____________________________________________________ |
Iraq wins soccer final, car bombs averted
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Duration: 04:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-30 00:00:39 User: bottomlineupfront :::: Favorites |
Iraq won the Asian Cup soccer final Sun., July 29, 2007, defeating 3 time champ Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Iraqi police thwarted 3 car bomb attacks aimed at civilians celebrating the victory. But no progress here... |
Comments | |
adelinef2naughty ::: Favorites Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings 07-08-28 02:44:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites Trying to westernize the Tawainese is like trying to to explain to them that eating a hot dog doesn't involve eating an actually dog. Why do Tawainese women go to market and pick out a dog for dinner....sounds kinda primitive to us westerers 07-08-09 03:30:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites iyours.... Russia collapsed after it lost the cold war to the Americans. When you see your history teacher, ask for your money back !! 07-08-08 06:45:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites No need, bc I never paid anyone to teach me the truth. The truth can only be learned by knowing yourself first of all. From that only one can discriminate between stupid lies, disguised lies, relative truth and absolute truth. From all you've written, I feel sorry you've barely scratched a bit of relative truth. It's really sad your talks are based on lies, but that's not only your fault. Ignorance is a disease and you never got the immunity to it. Please help yourself and seek it. 07-08-08 07:21:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites First of all, learn the meaning of the word America before you use it. There are about 45 countries in America, from South of Argentina to the North Pole in Canada. Their people are all to be called Americans. Those from USA may sometimes require a specific name, just to avoid geographic confusion, so they should be called UASSIANS, or something of the like. 07-08-06 04:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites And for your information counterfeet, Internet is a no-country place, just as it says, "website". The place is the web created by the participation of the people, no matter where they come from or live. In one day someone from another country can buy the website and does it keeps changing flag daily? No, it does not sell any country, it does not make patriotic campaigns, it offers an online service to anyone, boundlessly. I am sorry for you to feel affected by anti-exploitation protests. 07-08-06 04:02:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Actually, most of the Uassian poor soldiers are just following orders blindly, they are kids that got a job in the Army and don't even know what they are doing in Iraq. Their condition is pitiful, really. If you want me to be more specific, then I say, greedy Uassians, Bretons and anyone there invading Iraq for selfish interests, GET OUT! 07-08-06 03:50:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites oh listen to you, < the american troops are blindly following orders >...thats what loosers like you said when America beat Communiist Russia...when they beat Nazi Germany....why don't you go watch your favorite channel anti-american AL Jazeera instead of coming on this american site....hypocrite By the way, when anyone uses the term american, it usually means the United States.....when your friends say < Down with America >, do you think they're refering to Mexico or Cananda ! You Moron ! 07-08-08 00:14:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Is that it? For every point in discussion you reply with slaundering, assumptions of what I think or distortions of what I say and of history... Sorry counterfeet, grow up first and then we can discuss. Try watching more of Al Jazeera, or movies like This Revolution, Control Room, Edukators, Outfoxed, etc... BTW, my friends don't say down with America bc they know what America means. They say, STUPID SOLDIERS AND FASCIST IMPERIALISTS, GET OUT OF IRAQ. Whomever replies got the message. 07-08-08 02:56:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites You have friends who say < Down with America > who then go to MacDonalds and show off thier latest Nike trainers.... i see anti-americans idiots like you and your friends all the time. 07-08-08 06:37:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Inert minds are perhaps thought to be genuinely ignored because they are useless. Someone else, after your comments, would just choose to ignore you. But I believe that your kind of staticity just helps to drag humanity lower and backwardly. You need a blow in your mind, and you will get it sooner or later. Even by denying what I write, you'll get the blow when the real crisis come in your narrow life and worldview. 07-08-08 06:51:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Learn about history -- the Nazists were good friends with the US elite, from where they got information, weapons, propaganda techniques and automated systems for filing their victims (from IBM). Those fighting were again the poor soldiers, and not the sons of the elite, secure in their palaces. Afterwards, the US elite changed the fascist strategy to a more sophisticated use of the mass media to brainwash the Uassians. Wake up counterfeet, read Counterpunch and Zmag. 07-08-08 03:07:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites You said < the nazis were good friends of the USA > ! Are you really that stupid !! Fascist germany and fascist japan were blown to pieces by the americans....what silly madrassa did you learn history at ! 07-08-08 06:32:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Your only weapon as you show is to call names and narrow the discussion down to prejudice, hate and aggressiveness. Do you really think you can get your message through by shouting loud? Well, that is what the Nazists did, so be careful to where are you going with this attitude... Ah, you should also know that hate damages your finest brain cells and that if you don't practice rationality you lose the capacity of it. Take care. 07-08-08 06:58:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Check your assumptions -- you call this an Uassian website whereas if you look up on the right of this page and click where it says 'site' you find a list of specific Youtube "branches" for the sake of language. You will not find US's flag... Were Youtube an Uassian website it would like to use and Uassian flag, don't you think? Expand your horizons. Search "geo-sentiment" and "socio-sentiment" on the web to understand your irritation. 07-08-08 03:15:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites god you think that the flag in the corner means the servers that run youtube are based in those countries....you are a looser...go back to your muslim sites or can't you type arabic...looser 07-08-08 06:23:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites Why so much hatred you have against what you call muslims or arabs? It just shows that you don't know them, because you look at them from very far with you blurred vision and a lot of preconceptions. Learn to respect others will help you to respect yourself as well, and don't get low like this in your comments. 07-08-08 07:00:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites While you call names get some knowledge of history and the present. Communism was not defeated by US, but collapsed bc of its own defects, which the people could stand no more. The same happens now with capitalism bc of its own contradictions and selfish values. The big media brainwashes many so that they believe the economy is fine, while underneath these mass lies there is a big volcano warming up to explode. Inform yourself and prepare for the unavoidable change. Search "after capitalism". 07-08-08 03:35:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
counterfeet ::: Favorites russia collapsed because it couldn't expand due to americas threat to nuke em, if they tried. go back to muslim school, retard ! 07-08-08 06:24:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
iyours ::: Favorites That's what the brainwashed by the media or in the schools are made to believe. If you ever went to a real school the first thing they should have taught you is not to believe in everything you hear before checking the facts yourself, before opening your mind to different perspectives, developing your own conscience, intuition and rationality. Without these, schools are nothing but jail to your mind. 07-08-08 07:05:32 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: I wont sell out
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Duration: 03:31 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-09 23:15:47 User: Talljim01 :::: Favorites |
Digitilsoul needs our response to an issue, let's go. |
Comments | |
gubrae ::: Favorites same here 06-12-12 16:37:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
77Flip77 ::: Favorites good point man 06-12-10 00:48:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
numbdoll ::: Favorites :) Well said 06-12-10 00:12:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
1THEJAKESTER ::: Favorites hell put up one on your`s too everyone should not just him 06-12-10 00:06:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
DiGiTiLsOuL ::: Favorites Thanks for the time and consideration with my problem, ill take your advice to heart. 06-12-09 23:34:32 _____________________________________________________ |
Manu Sánchez Los restaurantes caros
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Duration: 10:41 minutes Upload Time: 06-05-21 11:50:54 User: ivirip :::: Favorites |
Monólogo sobre los restaurantes |
Comments | |
lokokiba ::: Favorites xDxDxD a ve kien pide aora 1 sprite sin hielo XDXD lo veo 1 y otra ve y no me kanso xDxD 07-08-13 17:32:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
HelenitaGR ::: Favorites si, desde que empezo a hacer monologos,se los hace el mismo. 07-08-07 10:40:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
elboirabuisan ::: Favorites ostias q fuerte, ¿es q la única razón que hay para defenderle es "el arte"? sería una gran noticia poder intercambiar opiniones con alguien q defienda a manu con algún argumento sólido, sostenible e inteligente, q nivel!! 07-08-02 16:17:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
cornetero77 ::: Favorites los monologos de este mostro se los ace el noo?? o se lo escribe alguien?? cntestad, saludos 07-08-03 16:58:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
elboirabuisan ::: Favorites yo como d esto, hago guiones para gente conocida, cobro los derechos d autor y ellos cobran por interpretarlos, tipos como manu van d listos y roban el talento d otros, estoy d acuerdo en q guste a la gente, pero eso no kita q es un chorizo y un plagiador, risa da, pero pena tambien 07-07-30 09:42:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
malagaaaaa ::: Favorites jajaja q arte tienes! de listos? pos ahora resulta q a casi toda andalucia le gustan los listos, lo q tienes es envidia, q pa escribir a lo mejor se te da bien, pero arte pokita seguramente, manu tiene tol arte, conq...si no te gusta te callas y yasta, deja q cada uno vea lo q quiera y punto, pura envidia lo q tu tienes 07-08-02 14:40:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Inefto18 ::: Favorites La mayoria de los intelectuales son repelentes, como woody allen 07-07-18 20:06:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
elboirabuisan ::: Favorites exacto!! envidia!! d la envidia d no tener talento para escribir se prduce el plagio y la copia d material ajeno, envidia, si señor! 07-07-18 11:00:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
Gixamela ::: Favorites Y si tan poco te gusta q coño haces viendo todos sus monologos y comentandolos y haciendo propaganda de ese tal Julian Lopez q no lo conocen ni en su casa.. A caso ese eres tú y estas jodio xq no comes de esto?? Hazno un favor a los q nos gusta y dejanos en paz 07-07-19 12:48:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
1988and1998 ::: Favorites cuanta envida ay x españa 07-07-16 13:08:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
elboirabuisan ::: Favorites me asusta ver el grado d incultura q tiene el pais, a julian lopez se le disculpa o se le aplaude q se lleve algo q es d otros? y a este chorizo mal nacido si? este por ser andaluz se le defiende? ese es el nivel intelectual de la sociedad? joder, arriba marianico el corto, abajo woody allen!! 07-07-12 13:27:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
joseluis11318 ::: Favorites Alfredo Diaz deja de criticar si es mejor que tu no tienes na q acer ... enga con los celos.... 07-07-12 10:43:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Inefto18 ::: Favorites Ok ya se qien es Alfredo Diaz. Tio, no es por ofender, pero he visto tu UNICO monologo que hay colgado y es bastante malo. No tienes gracia como Manu Sanchez y tus bromas dejan bastante que desear, como la de las galletas. Y por cierto, estamos en España aunqe te pese. 07-07-06 18:04:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Inefto18 ::: Favorites Qien coño es Alfredo Diaz? 07-07-06 17:52:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
xiexo ::: Favorites ¿Hace falta ser famoso para que te respeten? Manu lleva años copiando, y que sí, que os hace gracia, genial, pero que se curre lo que hace, que tiene la cara como el cemento. 07-07-05 15:48:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
beticoalcala ::: Favorites alfredo diaz = payaso , eres famoso, eres alguien ? 07-07-05 12:10:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
UstedMadruga ::: Favorites Mi nombre es Alfredo Díaz. Soy cómico. Manu Sánchez no. Manu Sánchez es un subproducto televisivo que se está enriqueciendo con el trabajo de otros. Señor Sánchez en tu caso se cumple la máxima que rige el mundo del entretenimiento barato: "Cuando el talento no existe, los escrúpulos desaparecen por completo". En Estados Unidos un comportamiento como el de este cuentachistes de tasca rancia tendría una única consecuencia: el despido. 07-07-04 12:17:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
aratiBRIGADAS ::: Favorites Mongolo 07-07-05 15:46:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
guinijin ::: Favorites trincapoyas 07-07-14 11:47:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Inefto18 ::: Favorites por favor ivirip cuelga el video de las bodas porfavor!! 07-07-01 21:06:06 _____________________________________________________ |