Sunday, March 23, 2008

East Northumberland High episode #8

Duration: 09:47 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-02 17:47:23

Hey guys! Yall kept emailing me today and yesterday asking me to go ahead and put it up so here it is!!! I hope you like it!!!! TOOTLES!!! -~-~ Chels!!! Dont forget to rate comment favorite and if you havent already, Subscribe!


minnie114  2008-02-11 19:49:55

Heey are you maing more?? cuz i am like dying here! =] lol
keta357  2008-01-24 17:54:25

this is a great video plz don't stop
homeygirl411  2008-01-08 23:34:49

plz hurry!!!
SmileyMiley810  2008-01-01 22:55:34

your welcome
iloveflight29down  2008-01-01 21:44:38

thank you. lol.

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