Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Duration: 04:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-14 07:35:26
User: RobNeilson

A Video Dedicated to the memory of lives lost and fought for in the Iraq war and to all the families affected by it.


RobNeilson  2008-01-27 04:39:30

thx 283, glad you enjoyed the film.
283pharmacy  2008-01-26 17:04:54

so true
corpsman89  2007-12-30 22:28:25

its very good, i have seen many of these kinds of things but this one is the best, probably one of the things i hear most about in the military is how people dont understand what its like for us and this one was very understanding of our lives.
RobNeilson  2007-12-30 14:41:38

Glad you like it corps, It has a powerful message I like to think and the track used is just the right music.
corpsman89  2007-12-30 12:58:32

hoorah, for some reason it reminds me of the time on my base i saw someone with a "bush/cheney" bumper sticker and a support our troops sticker, if they supported us they wouldnt send us out.

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