Monday, February 11, 2008

Very Lame Games:Dragons Lair

Duration: 05:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-17 02:11:15
User: DylanKimberlin
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lame  games  dragons  lair  nes  review  


Note:This game will also be posted on my other channel I would also like to point out that while I do enjoy reading other peoples opinions you should also respect mine, I will take constructive critisim of my review but get personal and you will be banned I dont need the BS.


lou300 ::: Favorites  2008-02-06 18:09:17

My cousin used to make me play this s**t! Well, she was always a bitch... :(
Texy88 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 17:26:11

You weren't hitting that creature; you'll know if you do because it'll flash with each hit it takes.
qiranger ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 07:34:27

Oh.... give me the Actual game any day.
Gigolo8 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 06:15:35

Ah Vintage, not bad for back then though LOL
CastlevaniaMoogle ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 04:33:56

Haha, yeah. It'll be very very slow recording unless you only have the FCE Ultra emulator open.

Other Video Blog Entries - Bloody Hell
My Virtual Vision Board
Cute kittens
Mobilizing Media Reform - Part 1
Do Not Touch The Art!!


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