Sunday, February 24, 2008

Christopher Hitchens Debates Mark Roberts (Part 05/12)

Duration: 09:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-05 00:40:30
User: Flirmy

Christopher | Hitchens | Mark | Roberts | Atheist 


This is an audio only debate of Christopher Hitchens and Mark D. Roberts on the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show from a couple months ago. Billed as the "Great God Debate" They cover a ton of topics and this is one of the few debates I've heard between Hitchens and the religious where the religious side doesn't come off as unintelligent. There are 12 parts (originally 3 hours with commercials but those are edited out) this is from townhall (dot) com do a search for Christopher Hitchens and you'll get a few results. Enjoy.


Rhology  2008-02-21 20:23:52

Evidence used in history is "hearsay" as Hitchens is using it here. Try to keep up. There's no reason to doubt the Gospel accts besides the presumption of guilt, but no other historical acct operates that way. "Thou shalt not murder", is what the 6th Cmdmt actually says. And yes, I could do better than Roberts did here. Not saying I'm the stud of the world; I'm saying Roberts did horrible and defeaters for Hitch's arguments are by and large fairly easy to find and express.
kauaikit  2008-02-21 19:48:25

"ALL history is hearsay"...funny I thought it was evidence based. Thanks for clearing that up. "Hearsay" would be the New Testament that used second & third hand stories in the mid Second Century that is told as facts in current bibles, right? Does "Thou shall not kill" mean anything to you? CH is an Oxford graduate, wrote several books & you think you could do a better job debating him? What, then Harris, then Dawkins?
Rhology  2008-02-21 13:18:36

What's brilliant about pointing out the age of the earth? You mean the "God not intervening" thing? Lame. Why assume that the default position is that God WOULD intervene? So what - I don't grant that assumption; game over.
Rhology  2008-02-21 13:14:32

"It's hearsay." That is so amazingly moronic. ALL history is hearsay. Hitchens is just special pleading and has no idea what he is talking about. Roberts should BLOW HIM UP for that but is nowhere near aggressive enough. I think I could probably do better than he. :-(
ldl21  2008-02-19 08:00:43

Brilliant point at the 7 minute mark.

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